College of Interreligious Studies Munich
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Impression of the College on our Instagram page
Degree Programme Interreligious Studies
Information evening on youtube:
Interreligious Studies deals with religious, societal, and intercultural aspects of interreligious competence. The certificate provides students with knowledge and competence of issues in a cultural and religious pluralistic world. Issues of peaceful co-existence, understanding of interreligious learning, practices and rituals are gained. As a cultural study, the interdisplinary approach will involve social science, theology, religious studies, intercultural pedagogical and practical internships in various religious groups and interreligious progammes.
At the heart of the College are academic studies, practical experience in interreligious dialogue, reflections, a variety of spiritual events, individual personal development and the acquisition of intercultural and interreligious competence. Students can also live in a number of limited rooms at the College, which is housed in the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Bonifaz.
More information in our flyer as well as a German article from the diocese
to the College Supervisor: Melanie Fersi (M.A.), Please state in your application, if you are an applicant for the Certificate in Interreligious Studies.
See also here our flyer.
Melanie Fersi, M.A. (College Supervisor ):
Benediktinerabtei St. Bonifaz
Karlstraße 34
80333 München
Telefon: 089/55171108
Prof. Dr. Martin Rötting
College Team
Participating Institutions
Support the College
We welcome any donations for this project at:
Reference: "College"
BIC: GENODEF1M05, IBAN: DE41750903000002345234
For information
Prof. Dr. Martin Rötting,
The Colleges is run by OCCURSO Institut für interreligiöse und interkulturelle Begegnung e.V.
In cooperation with:
- Six Stiftung für Völkerverständigung
- Crossculture Religious Studies Project
- Al Amana Centre
- Interfaith Photovoice
- weitere Stiftungen und private Untersützer.