About Occurso

OCCURSO is an institute that fulfils its tasks in research, education and the promotion of interreligious and intercultural encounters in cooperation with partners. The institute is legally structured as an association (e.V.) and managed by a board of directors. The Advisory Board is a body of experts that advises the Institute in its work. Partners work together with the Institute on an ongoing basis or for specific projects and can also be members.

Spirituality and the life of faith have their place at OCCURSO. Partners, committed individuals and course participants bring their faith or their secular attitude to the encounter between religions and cultures. OCCURSO offers space for this and also endeavours to create a fruitful interplay between different theological currents and theoretical approaches in its research. This co-operation is promoted by the contribution of the ideologically neutral study of religion.

Steering committee

Occurso is lead by a steering committee, which the members elect for a three-year period. The present steering committee was elected on March 22, 2003.

Joachim Schnittke
Joachim Schnittke
Martin Rötting
Martin Rötting
Susanna Boldi-Labusga
Susanna Boldi-Labusga
Melanie Fersi
Melanie Fersi
Aykan Inan
Aykan Inan
Br. Elias König OSB
Elias König
Tanja Mancinelli
Tanja Mancinelli
Nabihe Poller-Aqiqi
Orinta Rötting
Orinta Rötting

The advisory council

The advisory council helps Occurso in all its tasks.

Andre Gerth
Br. Joseph Götz
Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willers
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bernhardt
Prof. Dr. John D´Arcy May
Prof. Dr. Anne Koch
Isa Güzel
P. Hans Vöcking
Dr. Rainer Oechslen
Prof. Dr. Stephan Leimgruber
Lamaj Sokol
stefanie Blum-Effenberger
Stefanie Blum-Effenberger
Benedikt Poller
Benedikt Poller
evelyn Reuter
Evelyn Reuter
Dr. Margret Spohn
Stefan Zinsmeister
Stefan Zinsmeister




Become a member

Active Member

Active members are involved in a wide range of tasks. This can include involvement in research, the organisation of dialogue projects, the preparation of conferences as well as administrative tasks and the organisation of educational events. Membership must be applied for from the Executive Board. The membership fee is € 30 per year.

If you have any questions about membership, please contact Mr Aykan Inan: aykan_inan@yahoo.de


Sponsors support the work of OCCURSO financially. The annual membership fee for sponsors is at least € 30. OCCURSO is an e.V. with recognised charitable status.If you have any questions about sponsorship, please contact Mr Aykan Inan at aykan_inan@yahoo.de

Would you like to become an OCCURSO sponsor? The educational, research and dialogue work of OCCURSO is made possible and supported by the sponsors. As a non-governmental organisation (NGO), the institute works in all its areas on a non-profit basis. OCCURSO is therefore dependent on active volunteers and financial support in order to fulfil its tasks and cover its costs.

As a sponsor of OCCURSO,

  • you actively support the dialogue between cultures and religions!
  • OCCURSO supporters take part in the annual general meeting as guests.
  • receive the annual publication ‘OCCURSO - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue’
  • receive discounted rates for all OCCURSO seminars.
  • promote the dialogue of religions and cultures in education and research with your annual membership fee of at least € 30.
  • get access to the member area of the homepage with interesting information about our work.

If you would like to become a sponsor of OCCURSO, please send your enquiry to info@occurso.de


Partner Institutions

In order to realise the goals of the Institute, committed partnerships are necessary. Individuals, churches, mosque associations, Israelite religious communities or Buddhist groups and other religious organisations can become partners of the Institute in a variety of ways:

  • Participation in dialogue projects
  • Taking on parts of the research projects

Academic partners

  • Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Institut für Religionswissenschaft 
  • Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Lehrstuhl für Religionspädagogik (kath.)
  • Universität Salzburg
  • Universität Bremen

Partners in churches and other religious organisations

  • Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat der Erzdiözese München und Freising 
  • Erzabtei St. Ottilien 
  • Moscheevereine und islamische Dachverbände (Muslimrat München) 
  • Islamische Religionsgemeinschaft DITIB Südbayern
  • KEB
  • Missio e.V.
  • Deutsche Buddhistische Union
  • Zentrum Pax, Antakya, Türkei
  • Bahai-Gemeinde Deutschland K.d.ö.R

If you or your institution are interested in a partnership with OCCURSO, please contact us. info@occurso.de



A You can download Occurso's statutes here